Sunday, July 4, 2010

T-minus 30 days or so and counting...

it's crunch time! construction is underway, permits are in play, help wanted ads are on their way... things to do, things to-do. i'm gitty and nervous at the same time. alot can still go wrong--like more construction going over budget, furniture not arriving on time, or worse inspectors being dicks. at this juncture i'm at the mercy of variables out of my control.

but when i take a step back, take a deep, breath, it's really not that bad. between the stress of meetings and timelines i get to enjoy tasting like this with our first incubated chef:

[caption id="attachment_246" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="jared formerly of orson / citizen cake looks on as we slice into his sample brioche loaf"][/caption]

and after tastings i get to spend time with creatives on the branding like this:

[caption id="attachment_240" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="freddy anzures giving us a sneak peak of The Summit's brand identity "][/caption]

or spending time with the incubated start-ups:

[caption id="attachment_241" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="the first gathering of i/o venture partners, incubated start-ups, and their tech mentors"][/caption]

but for the next 3o days my attention will be focused on the builders and designers of the summit space:

[caption id="attachment_242" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="kanbayashi design + travis construction = the build-out of the summit"][/caption]

10 months of planning and day dreaming are coming to culmination. inside i'm dreading the long hours it'll take to see this thru. gone are my weekend jaunts across SF's myriad of night clubs. gone are the 11a-6p days of leisure.  the little voice in my head tells me "i should be careful what i wish for" because dreams do become realities...

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